17 March 2009

Paul's Home, finally.

I think Paul must have some Irish blood to be so lucky to get released this early. Only 6 days since a very serious and life threatening surgery.
We waited from 10am till 6+pm for them to wade through the red tape. Then to top it off, they forgot to send us with all the prescriptions. I finally got him to the motor home at 7pm.

It's been a long day for both of us but we're ready for a rest and as you can see, Paul and Tucson have already started.
The doctor says it will be 6 weeks before he can drive and 3 months before he can ride his motorcycle. He must take it VERY easy for the next week and then take it easy for the next 2 weeks. We see the doctor in 3 weeks for a follow-up.
I'm a Happy Camper and so is Tucson, she really missed him.

1 comment:

knitogether said...

Congratulations! We're so happy you're "home" safe! Enjoy.