Two more doctors appointments done. Yesterday we both saw the primary care doctor and there are still a couple items pending. She was pleased, with my blood pressure (118/82), but I was ECSTATIC!!! FINALLY, I got a good reading in the doctor's office (I have lab coat syndrome, false high blood pressure in the doctors office).
The doctor is agreeing with me that my other symptoms may be caused from allergies. I'm having blood work on Monday (Sept. 20th) for adult allergy and food allergy. It'll take a week or so to get the results, I think. Wouldn't it be nice to get rid of my problems by avoiding something simple like food?
Today I (Karen) had the nerve conduction study and proved there is nerve damage in my low back which is causing the numbness and pain in my toes and feet. We're still waiting for the approval for the MRI from the insurance company. That test will show the cause, either bone or disk and tell us what the options might be for relief. The pain has been bothering me for years but it's finally become intolerable.
I'm feeling pretty guilty about not being home taking care of my responsibilities. Every other time we've been here because of Paul's health, this is new for me and I don't like it.
3 days ago